We all would love to have a recipe customized for us when cooking, but recipes are generic at best. Unless you customize them, of course. Looking to carve your own path in the kitchen and enjoy some delicious meals while you’re at it?
Tips to be a kitchen whiz
As mentioned in EatingWell’s post, “How to Cook Without a Recipe”, you have to have a strong appreciation for food in a personal sense before you can create your own meals.
- Get a feel for the basics of cooking: From amounts of spices to tenderness and more, get a feel for cooking at its basic level so that you know where the main kinds of cooking are.
- Take note of your flavour interests: You’ll also want to get a feel for, ya know, what you like and dislike! This will be your starting point to start adjusting recipes on your own.
- Rely on your senses: Cooking is all about your sense of touch, taste and smell. Use these to help guide you in adjusting recipes so that they are suited to what you prefer and want when cooking.
Before you venture out on your own, it’s important to have a few basic recipes memorized. You don’t have to have them drilled down to the teaspoon, but making a staple recipe a few times over will give you a good base to launch from.
Ready to hit the stove with your newfound interest? Take a look at the full article here first so that you are prepared for a delicious meal that will blow everyone’s socks off!
SOURCE: EatingWell