One of the best ways to enhance the appeal of your home is interior painting. You don’t need an expensive renovation project to spruce up your place. In fact, painting is arguably the cheapest way to refresh any space. That is, if you don’t end up wasting paint, using more than necessary or making a costly mess.

To help you do the job right, follow Kukun’s 5-step approach to painting a house or apartment.

Step 1: Prepare the room

This step lessens the risk of damaging your furniture, your floor or other things. It also creates a broader space, which makes it easier to move around and reach certain areas.

Step 2: Pre-paint

You then need to prepare your walls for the actual painting job. This involves dusting, applying putty, scraping, washing (if needed) and priming.

Step 3: Get the Appropriate Tools

Choosing the right painting tools is crucial. Always select quality products for top results.

Step 4: Use a Paint Grid Instead of a Paint Tray

With a paint grid, it’s easier to roll and less messy.

Step 5: Spread the color

At this stage, you need proper technique. Kukun tells you, for instance, where to start and how to avoid overlap streaking.

SOURCE:  Kukun

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