A road trip is the greatest of all journeys. With your darling, your friends or your family, a road trip is always fun! All you have to do is throw the bags in the trunk, start the car and you’re ready to go! Right?

Peace of mind for the open road

Sure, you can, but completely improvising presents a few risks. However, with a little preparation, you can make the most of your escapade, and reduce worries and lost-time to a minimum. To get ready to hit the open road, check out Matador Network‘s top 16 recommendations:

1. Do a tune-up beforehand

2. Keep an eye on tire pressure

3. Check your spare tire — and learn how to change it

4. Get an EZPass for tolls

5. Get a few rolls of quarters for your glove compartment

6. Get the GasBuddy app

7. Put everything you can on your phone

8. Invest in a good water bottle/mug

9. Choose a tablet over a laptop

10. Use a cereal container as a trash can

11. Put cupcake papers in your cup holders

12. Get organizers for your bits and bobs

13. Get a compact cooler

14. Stick to two cords

15. Make a pill bottle bug-out kit

16. Know where you can sleep in your vehicle without being hassled

SOURCE:  Matador Network

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