Fresh graduates across the nation are wondering how to land their dream jobs, but they may not have the relevant work experience. What can recent graduates do to land that sought-after position?

Dumb Little Man suggests 4 steps that can give you a hand to getting that job:

  1. Make LinkedIn your best friend

This social platform has a baseline of 450 million active users across the globe and has become the go-to tool for managers looking to hire.

  1. Come Up With S.T.A.R. Responses

This acronym refers to Situation, Task, Action and Result. This approach is used by most interviewers to understand the candidate’s ability for the role.

  1. Practice Makes Perfect

Start the S.T.A.R. process. Yes, it can be difficult, and you might slip up a couple of times, but doing it repeatedly helps you get better.

  1. The Big Interview Day

Always try to arrive 15 to 30 minutes earlier than the designated time for the interview, and never miss breakfast.

These 4 skills will help you become better at job interviews and job search, and make you stand out among hundreds of candidates.

SOURCE:  Dumb Little Man

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