There’s barely enough time to get you home presentable when you have a full day. So if you have zero time and need to make sure that your home is picture-perfect, there are some great options out there for realistic energy levels and timeframes.

Say goodbye to hours of work for good!

Make sure you’ve got the right tools

As mentioned in Apartment Therapy’s recent article, “7 Brilliant Tricks Home Stagers Use When They Don’t Have Time to Clean”, you’ll want to have a few key tools in your kit at all times to make hard jobs easier and faster. Some of those tools include:

  • Magic erasers: For those scrubs and other marks that make a place un-cared-for.
  • Toothpaste: This can fill a small hole in a pinch! Plus it smells good.
  • Hand steamer: From curtains to glass doors and windows, make sure that your home is freshly cleaned and grub-free.

Find out more tips for cleaning at the original article here!

SOURCE: Apartment Therapy

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