Contrary to popular belief, putting your car on the market yourself is actually not that difficult. Anyone can do it as long as they’ve done their homework. If you know all the important details about your vehicle and communicate them truthfully, you won’t have any problems sealing a deal.

Conveying transparency and honesty as a seller is key in order to win the trust of potential buyers. It also increases the chance of you getting the most dollar for your car.

A comprehensive guide

Digital Trends has prepared a step-by-step guide to help you through this process, which covers:

  • gathering documents and knowledge about the car and your ownership history;
  • scoping out your market;
  • getting the vehicle ready for sale and taking pictures;
  • determining which outlets to sell it on;
  • preparing your ad;
  • meeting with potential buyers;
  • closing the sale.

SOURCE:  Digital Trends

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