Whether you’re teleworking or self-employed, working with your children around is more than a handful. A child is unpredictable and requires constant attention. So is a job, more often than not. When you combine both responsibilities in the same place, at the same time, you have quite a balancing act on your hands.

Getting things done

It’s no surprise that many mothers and fathers feel overwhelmed. They fear this double duty will make them either a bad employee – because they’re not 100% focused on their job – or an unfit parent who doesn’t care enough for their children due to their work. Or a bit of both.

Wanting to be neither, work-from-home parents are increasingly finding smart solutions to juggle the demands of their career and their family. Romper has asked eight of them to share their best tips. Take a look at its article to find out how:

  • Arlene and Kate find time to get work done;
  • Shana and Lynn keep the noise down during conference calls;
  • Sara squeezes in professional tasks between mommy duties;
  • Ruth uses a boredom box to keep her kid busy;
  • Katherine plans her days and her week to schedule time to work;
  • Jessica made sure her baby wouldn’t cry during phone interviews.

SOURCE:  Romper

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